158. A Beginner's Guide to Drawing and Painting Water & Waves
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In this tutorial you will learn the basics of capturing water in lots of different ways. Everything from oceans, shores, waves, and waterfalls. This a beginner-friendly 1 hour course that will get you started painting this beautiful element! You can use the repeatable strategies I share with you in so many ways and different paintings.
I’ll demonstrate how I practice sketching water/waves and how to paint water with digital, watercolor, and gouache so that no matter what you prefer to paint with you can incorporate these techniques into your practice.
You’ll also receive several beautiful reference photos and all of my show notes so you can reference them at any point in the future.
The goal of this course is to break it down to it’s basics and understand the variety of approaches to capturing this beautiful element so that when you go outside to paint, you are less overwhelmed and more comfortable in your practice.