Sarah’s Art Supply List

I have moved my supply list to my art blog: “The Fearless Brush

If you’d like to see what paints, colors, brushes, and papers I use, head over to the new page. There are direct links to everything.

I’m not sponsored, I only share the products I’ve use and love!


Gouache Subscription Boxes

Order yours and start your gouache journey with me!

Each month you’ll receive a new box in the mail with the supplies you need to paint a new tutorial. But this is not just about art supplies! I have created the same high quality tutorials that you’ve come to expect from me and each box will help you grow your skills and confidence in using gouache.

Learn more and see what’s inside each box in this video.

Over the course of 12 months, you’ll grow a collection of premium gouache brushes (24 in total), high quality gouache (30 tubes), 100% cotton paper, washi tape, spray bottle, mixing tray, and a wealth of information that will last you a lifetime. The gouache tutorials are suitable for beginners and seasoned painters, offering tons of advice and a variety of techniques for creative landscape painting.