138. Tree Girl Kickstarter Update: almost 200% funded!


Thanks to all the incredible support and everyone helping me to share my Kickstarter page, we’ve hit some pretty epic goals!

Not only was my project fully funded within the first day, we also hit our first two stretch goals! We are inching closer to the third big stretch goal!

Stretch Goals unlocked.jpg

As I write this, we are 187% funded, which is pretty dang special.

Because of the tremendous (and fast) support of the project, it was chosen as a “Project We Love” by the Kickstarter staff!

That means even more people will see it and potentially support it, far more than I ever dreamed!

You guys are so amazing, this means the world to me. Hundreds of hours went into the making of this project and running the kickstarter, so it’s amazing to see it paying off.

I’ll drop another update towards the end of the campaign, but you can also watch the progress on the campaign page!

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