095. The Forest Year: Week 11 - Exploring Ord Hill Forest
It's been cold.
Like, really cold.
I've been in full-hibernation mode lately - during the week I only leave the house to run to the post office. And I mean literally run (it's faster, and a good workout).
This past week I was very sick, so for our weekend adventure I didn't want to venture too far. I felt well enough for a nice leisurely stroll in the woods, and some relaxed plein air painting.
So when deciding where to go, Wolfy remembered a local trail sign. We had driven by this local trail dozens of times, but still hadn't explored it. So yesterday we packed up the car (and painting gear!) and headed up the hill.
As soon as we pulled into the car park, I was jumping up and down with excitement. Huge pine trees lined the road, sun beaming through, casting beautiful shadows everywhere.
I was ABSOLUTELY determined to paint outside, and this first glimpse really got my creative juices flowing.
We threw our backpacks on and started walking. I had majorly over-dressed, (four pairs of trousers/leggings and 3 jumpers under my winter jacket) so after about 30 minutes of walking, I was boiling. The winds were chilly, but when we were in the forest, we were protected. As the sun beamed down on me, I huffed and puffed my walk down the trail, dripping with sweat. I continuously asked Wolfy if he was still attracted to me, to which he answered "You are glowing my love" and we both chuckled.

After about an hour of walking, I made an executive decision to find a nice cozy spot off the trail to paint. As I wandered around in the shady groves, bouncing on moss, Wolfy called over and said "what about those?" pointing to three large pines huddled together. They were illuminated from behind, which created a beautiful edge glow and long shadows. YES! I knew I married him for a reason.

I recorded this painting with my GoPro, so keep an eye on my YouTube channel for that!
We spent about an hour in this spot, so after painting, and munching on a few snacks, we decided to head back down the trail. I had been standing in the shade for an hour to paint, so I was just about numb. I lamented taking off a few layers of clothing when I stopped earlier!
However, once we started walking again, all was well. The late afternoon sun was still drenching the forest, and I was in paradise.

There was a beautiful lookout near the top of the trail with a view down over Inverness city and the Beauly Firth.
Overall it was a beautiful place, and we are planning on returning next weekend for more painting and exploring! I felt so at peace here, and I'm really excited that it's so close to us :D
Until next time, have a great week!